Buying a Mountain View home using electronic signatures while at the Grand Canyon
December 27, 2006
I just got back from a champaign toast celebration at my clients’
new Mountain View home, a wonderful re-modeled 2-story 2400 sq ft place near downtown. We reminisced about the ups and downs of the transaction (there are ALWAYS ups and downs!) and how we put the deal together over the Thanksgiving holiday, while my clients were at the Grand Canyon. Thank you Docusign! (No, I’m not on Docusign’s payroll!)
A day or two before Thanksgiving, an interesting Mountain View home came on the radar screen of some clients. I showed it to them the day before Thanksgiving, after which they headed to Las Vegas for the long weekend and I headed to the in-laws.
After mulling it over for the night, my clients decided to make an offer. By this time they were en-route from Vegas to the Grand Canyon, which under normal Real Estate 1.0 circumstances might have presented some logistical issues. No worries this time, however.
I put together the offer documents, including several dozen pages of disclosures and put them through Docusign’s electronic signature process. When they were ready, I called my clients, and they stopped at the next Starbucks, whipped open their laptops (I tend to have clients who, just like me, take their laptops with them on vacation), jumped on the T-Mobile wi-fi network and e-signed the documents before they were halfway done with their double-mocha-lattes-with-room-for-cream-and-a-dash-of-cinammon.
They hit the road again, and I presented the offer. The next day we received a counteroffer, which we decided to counter back on. I put the paperwork together and my clients signed it, this time at their hotel’s Internet cafe, and then went on with the rest of their day.
We got in contract, my clients enjoyed their holiday, and not so much as a branch of a tree was sacrificed to make it happen.
(Images courtesy of and
Tags: Docusign, Electronic signatures, Mountain View, Real estate
2 Responses to “Buying a Mountain View home using electronic signatures while at the Grand Canyon”
Got something to say?
interesting concept from docusign. but who recommended docusign? did you look into other companies/alternatives at all? wanting to know more about electronic signatures. thanks, Mark
Hi Mark,
About two years ago, I was trying to figure out an e-sig solution, and I was about to purchase half a dozen signature tablets (like what you have at supermarkets) and issue them to clients for use during each transaction. The problem is, clients would have had to install software on their laptops, and carry the signature tablet around with them, so I wasn’t thrilled about that solution.
Then I came across a recommendation for Docusign on the website of the California Association of Realtors. I tried it out, liked it, and have been using it ever since.
I know there are other options as well, but I haven’t looked into them.